St Andrews Maths

Jane Wadsworth in 1992.
Image credit: fair dealing via BBC2 Horizon Special: The Truth About Sex.

Jane Wadsworth and the National Survey of Sexual Attitudes and Lifestyles 

Did you know that St Andrews mathematics graduate Jane Wadsworth was an important figure in the near eradication of Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) in the United Kingdom (UK)?  

Photograph showing the a completed L.L.A. scheme certificate from 1902. The certificate is signed by the Vice-Chancellor and two L.L.A. scheme examiners.
Completed L.L.A. Certificate from 1902.
Image credit: University of St Andrews Libraries and Museums.

Lady Literate in Mathematics

Did you know that the University of St Andrews created one of the world’s first higher educational qualifications for women, allowing them to study university-level mathematics long before they were admitted onto degree courses in Scotland?

The current Gatty Marine Research Facility, University of St Andrews Scottish Oceans Institute, at East Sands Beach.
Image credit: public domain via Jessica Casey.

St Andrews’ Importance in Mathematical Ecology

Did you know that the town and University of St Andrews has an important history in the field of mathematical ecology?

A portrait of Margaret Murray taken in 1934. She has mid-length hair and is wearing a necklace, a sash and a dress.
Margaret Murray, 1934.
Image courtesy of Hutchesons’ Grammar School.

Margaret Murray: Mathematician and Mountaineer

Did you know that the University of St Andrews’ first female graduate in mathematics and natural philosophy, Margaret Murray, became the Principal Teacher of Mathematics at Hutchesons’ Grammar School for Girls in Glasgow as well as the Secretary and later President of the Ladies Scottish Climbing Club?

John Napier
Image credit: John Napier via Wikimedia Commons

John Napier: The Revolutionary Mind Behind Logarithms

Did you know that the creator of logarithms was a former student of University of St. Andrews but left without obtaining a degree – at just 13 years old! 

A rear view drawing of Nicolas Vilant. He is wearing a long blue coat with a red collar, a wide brimmed hat, and is walking with the aid of a stick.
Rear view of Nicolas Vilant as drawn by his colleague Professor C. Cook in 1797. Image credit: University of St Andrews Libraries and Museums.

Nicolas Vilant and Teaching at St Andrews in the late 1700’s

Did you know that a Professor of Maths at St Andrews was able to manage the department for nearly three decades while bedridden and sick? 

John Howie.
Image credit: School of Mathematics and Statistics, University of St Andrews

Legacy of a Theorist: John Mackintosh Howie’s Enduring Influence at St Andrews

Did you know that the University of St Andrews’ former Regius Professor of Mathematics, John Mackintosh Howie, was a pioneer of semigroup theory?